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Ubuntu Life

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
- Desmond Tutu



Meet Zane Wilemon. And let your spirit soar.


You know how rare and amazing it is to meet someone, discover a brand, and hear a story that is just so true that it resonates through and through, clear and pure. Well, that is how we felt when we met Zane and learned about his amazing non-profit fashion brand, Ubuntu Life.


We knew we wanted to join him to make a difference. Together, we came up with something very special to our companies’ missions and ethos. It is the heart of who we are and what we want to give to this world. It is: Just Love.

These bracelets are available to purchase here. 100% of the sales will go towards Ubuntu Life!

We are honored to introduce you to Zane so you can hear and feel his passion and depth of purpose. We hope you too will feel inspired to further our shared mission, and to JUST LOVE.


What is Ubuntu?


It is a South African philosophy that means “I am, because we are.”It describes the interconnectedness among all things.


And Ubuntu Life brings this ethos to life, through hand-made African wares, including beautiful beadwork bracelets, comfortable and durable Afridrilles (a gentle riff on the more familiar espadrilles), totes, clutches, and more.


Every single Ubuntu Made product embodies this beautiful depth of spirit because every product is made by a mom who was given an opportunity to do and be more.Their opportunity, in turn, becomes our opportunity to grow, to feel more love, and to be more connected to a greater good and to this world in which we all live together.


How did Ubuntu Life come to be?


Ubuntu Life grew out of my friendship with Jeremiah Kuria, a fellow pastor and all-around beautiful person, whom I met on my travels through Kenya. Together, we created a center in the heart of Nairobi for children with disabilities, providing life-changing therapy and medical care for kids who suffer from physical challenges and social stigma. This had major impact on these children’s lives, on ours, and on the moms of the children being helped.


As we got to know the “mums,” we learned how caring for these children had been a full-time, all-consuming job. The “Mums” started a new conversation with Jeremiah and me. They asked us, “Now that our kids are out of the house, can you help us do something productive with our time?”Yes. Yes. Yes. This resulted in… Ubuntu Made.

Take a look at these products, and we think you will be able to feel the power of Ubuntu, of what it means to connect to empower. Ubuntu Life is proud to pay above-market wages and provide health insurance to every employee and their family, a rarity in Kenya.The job skills learned and money earned empowers these Moms to buy homes, provide for their families, and sometimes even start their own enterprises. They earn more than money; they earn respect from their communities.


Join. Let’s do this together. Ubuntu.




Helen Jon is so pleased and proud to announce our partnership with Ubuntu Life. Together, we created beautiful beaded and leather bracelets, emblazoned with the words “Just Love” to further this mission and, well, to spread the love.


The collection – and the very personal reason behind “Just Love” – is available to shop here.


And, in the meantime, just love and keep the good will flowing.

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